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International Seminar on Media and Contemporary Social Issues

Time: 2022-08-29 10:00:45
HCAS, Chennai
International Seminar on Media and Contemporary Social Issues

International Seminar on Media and Contemporary Social Issues

The Department of Visual Communication has conducted an International Seminar on Media and Contemporary Social Issues on 29th Aug 2022. As a part of MOU activity Dr. A. Deivashree Anbu, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism & Communication from Bule Hora University, Ethiopia visited HCAS and participated as a Guest speaker of International seminar. She has Spoken about the contemporary social issues in Ethiopia. Also, she interacted with the students about Media culture in both the countries Mrs. B.Saranya, Head, Department of Visual Communication, welcomed the gathered people. Dr.S. Illanjian, Vice Principal – Academics, Dean, School of Media Studies, felicitated the gathering. Ms. Nandhitha, Assistant Professor of Visual Communication department proposed the vote of Thanks. Mr. Samuel Sampath Kumar, Vice Principal – Admin and other Deans and Heads of Department attended the Seminar. Nearly 200 students of B.Sc. and M.Sc. Viscom and Electronic Media students were participated in this seminar. Participant certificates were issued to students.

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